Summertime, Sluggish Economy Provide Strong Motivation for an Updated Resume
Released on: June 13, 2008, 3:25 am
Press Release Author: Dr. Randall S. Hansen
Industry: Human Resources
Press Release Summary: Especially in a recessionary economy, job-seekers should take advantage of summer to enhance their resumes, drawing from a rich supply of new resume samples at Quintessential Careers.
Press Release Body: DeLand, FL, June 13, 2008 -- While job-seekers may resist crafting a new resume because they suspect employers aren\'t hiring during the summer -- especially in a recession -- those are exactly the reasons workers need to keep their resumes polished and up to date, said Quintessential Careers\' Founder and Publisher Dr. Randall S. Hansen.
Hansen explained that summer is an excellent time to seek a new job as \"competition is minimal because job-seekers assume that hiring decisions will be postponed until fall.\" He added that current economic conditions dictate that workers be ready with effective resumes in case of unexpected layoffs.
Hansen suggested that job-seekers use summertime to fine-tune their resumes and lay the groundwork for future hiring. To help job-seekers in this quest, Hansen noted, Quintessential Careers (, an online career-development site, has just added 100 new resume and cover-letter samples covering a wide range of occupations and professions, for job-seekers from new college grads to senior executives, said Hansen.
Visitors to Quintessential Careers conduct more searches using the terms \"resume samples\" than virtually any other type of content, Hansen said. \"That\'s why we\'re delighted to provide more of what users are looking for.\"
As with all the other tools and resources on Quintessential Careers, there is no cost for these new resume and cover letter samples, said Hansen.
The new resume and cover-letter additions include samples in these categories:
Resume and Cover Letter Samples For Management and Human Resources Professionals: Resume and Cover Letter Samples For Operations Management Professionals: Resume and Cover Letter Samples For Professionals in Engineering, Science, and Information Technology Professionals: Resume and Cover Letter Samples For Finance and Investments Professionals: Resume and Cover Letter Samples For Sales, Marketing, Business Development, and Public Relations Professionals: Resume and Cover Letter Samples For Training, Organizational Development, and Consulting Professionals: Resume and Cover Letter Samples For Professionals in Association Management, Nonprofits, and Social Services: Resume and Cover Letter Samples For Law and Government Professionals: Resume and Cover Letter Samples For Executive and Senior-Level Professionals: Resume and Cover Letter Samples For New College Grads: Quintessential Careers has also added two new sets of resume tips ( and, Job-Seeker Career and Job-Search Worksheets to help build resumes (, and a new e-book, The Quintessential Guide to Surefire Resumes for New Graduates and Other Entry-Level Candidates ( The site will add several new resume articles in mid-July.
Hansen emphasized the value of improving one\'s resume and job hunting during the summer. \"Vacations can be planned around the possibility of relocating to another city. In addition, fiscal years often begin in June or July, making new hiring possible,\" Hansen said.
About Quintessential Careers: For more than 12 years, this comprehensive career development site has been empowering job seekers of all ages find their ideal careers and jobs. With more than 3,500 pages of content -- from articles, quizzes, and tutorials -- Quintessential Careers offers visitors no-cost content that can improve their lives. Editorial Note: More background about Quintessential Careers can be found at Press Release Distribution By PressReleasePoint(
Contact: Dr. Randall S. Hansen Quintessential Careers DeLand, FL, Phone: 386-740-8872 Fax: 386-740-9764
Web Site:
Contact Details: DeLand, FL, Phone: 386-740-8872 Fax: 386-740-9764
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